18 January, 2011

Pictures of BHS


Wela K. said...

i was in BHS from 1996 to 2003. i don't know about you guys, but i seriously think a school (not class) reunion is in order. the school is 130 years this year and it have been awesome to have everyone, including past teachers and principals to gather around and share their memories. maybe we could even compile a memory book of some sort with all the photos found on the facebook page or ask people to submit all their school photos and include a little memory they have of the school. we could sell it to all past pupils and maybe that would help in raising some funds for the school

Terrance Dutton said...

Wela ,

I was an old student there as well and a couple of years back about 3 , i went past the school and was horribly shocked by what i saw. Whoever is in charge now has let everything run in to the ground , the pool was broken ,ceiling boards were all broken the sides of the hall were all broken. If it was a memorial we were going to then fine , Unfortunately DR Leeat when he left it was run into the ground.

Terrance Dutton

s.maqungo said...

Yeah yeah I also think that it would be great if that the school has a reunion but before the reunion the school needs to be fixed like seriously course former learners of the school wouldn't be happy to see it like that,but I'm loving it becourse the school has rich history.I support those who say we must have a reunion.